
I am way sadder than I thought

as I just IM'd a friend of mine who's quite sane at moments like this.

And I've been calling the ex about stupid things all day.

About furniture and coats and ironing boards.

And oddly, music. I offered to make him CDs.

Twelve years, and I had no concept of his tastes in pop music.

Oasis? Green Day? Is this new?

I actually had Jet. Huh. Well.

We never had a song. I think that's ultimately damning. Seriously. You need at least one.

Not that we didn't enjoy going to concerts together. We had some "classical" overlap. Even there, we diverged.

Never had a song.

I'm making him mixes, out of sheer kindness on my part. Not really mixes. Just dumping his music out of my iTunes. I don't really like Led Zeppelin. The Pink Floyd, that's his, as is the Strauss and Wagner. The Bach, we both dip into from time to time. Sibelius is kinda heavy for me, mostly. I put on the songs I free-downladed for him, the odd pop choices, along with the weird ones he got before (Avril Levine? Devo? what the fuck.)

I also snuck on some Steve Earle. Fuck 'im. I told him it was protest music. He'll probably consider it under my ambit of "music to eat your gun by." Ha!

1 comment:

Sugar-Snit said...


i wish you weren't sad at all.
